Due to unforeseen circumstances, the advertised event and topic for the Wednesday 26th February have had to be withdrawn.
We now have a new date of Tuesday 25th February with Pat Bowles of MP Awards, providing a presentation on the MPQC Plant Scheme - Update.
The MPQC Plant Operators Competency Scheme was established in 1982.
The Scheme is run and operated on behalf of the extractive and mineral processing and related manufacturing sector and supported by other key stakeholders such as:
• Mineral Products Association
• British Aggregates Association
• Institute of Quarrying
• Institute of Asphalt Technology
MP Awards is responsible for providing the overall standards to be applied to the delivery and certification of each training category ensuring quality and robustness of the training available to industry.
The Scheme covers skills, knowledge, and understanding and provides a structure and testing criteria that forms initial and renewal training.
The current scheme covers assessment of skills and knowledge with regards to plant operation and is closely linked to the L2 Plant Operations VQ.
MP Awards are responsible for the standards within the scheme and are collaborating with Industry to produce a bespoke set of specific plant training standards. This will ensure that all assessed operators will receive suitable training in all aspects of mobile plant operation prior to assessment.
A light meal and refreshments will be available on the night.
Please register again to attend this event even if you registered for the previous topic.
We're currently experiencing some technical issues with our registration forms on the website. To register your attendance, please contact Debbie White via debbie.white@quarrying.org.