Blended learning

Diploma in Surface Mining Explosives Engineering

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Learning outcomes

The programme aims to meet the current and future development needs of explosives professionals through the following outcomes and abilities:

  • Executing structured academic or professional research with appropriate methodologies

  • Assessing problem-solving approaches for workplace application

  • Crafting and assessing written/verbal arguments, and generate ideas critically

  • Planning projects to enhance explosives sector practices including personal areas

  • Applying practical skills in explosives production for mining industry compliance

  • Adhering to explosives-related regulations for manufacturing, transport, and storage

  • Collaborating, displaying teamwork, negotiating, and organisational skills

  • Employability traits and skills for the explosives sector and future growth
Available to purchase

Explosives in Quarrying Handbook

The Institute of Quarrying's (IQ) latest handbook is a comprehensive guide aimed at professionals involved in commercial blasting within surface extraction, providing insights into the latest technologies and best practices in the field of explosives.

The handbook also aids those pursuing the IQ Diploma in Surface Mining Explosives Engineering and the Foundation Degree in Mineral Extractives Technology.

To order the handbook and find out more information, visit the online IQ Shop. 

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