Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Recognising your professionalism through lifelong learning.

If you are already IQ Member, you can log your CPD via the Member Portal.

CPD Best Practice

CPD with IQ

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the process of continual improvement and personal development that supports your career. It is a process of documenting your knowledge, skills and experiences as you progress through your working life.

We believe that undertaking CPD is a way of ensuring that the qualifications that you have earned are kept up to date.

The Institute is here to promote the professionalism of people working within the minerals products industry. Professionalism is created through a combination of work experience and qualifications.

Clay Quarry Manager CPD Scheme

Clay Quarry Manager CPD Scheme
Continual Professional Development (CPD) is mandatory for all individuals who have clay quarry management responsibilities as part of their job role, as set out in the Quarry Regulations 1999.

Building on the IQ CPD Scheme, the Clay Quarry Manager CPD Scheme is very similar but involves the sector Clay Quarry Competence Group in the annual CPD assessment process.  This helps to ensure that CPD is appropriate for the Clay Quarry Management roles carried out and that support is provided where needed.

Find out more about the CPD scheme here.


Obtaining your CPD

Technical Member, Member and Fellow grades of the Institute have a mandatory 30 hours of CPD requirement per year to maintain your IQ membership. CPD can be easily recorded in the IQ Member portal.

Some examples that qualify as CPD include:

  • Events & webinars

  • Training courses

  • Seminars and conferences

  • Online learning

  • Toolbox talks

  • Researching industry articles


What is the IQ Skills Wheel?

IQ Skills Wheel originally set out to provide professionals with an overview of the core skills and areas of knowledge that they could develop to progress their learning, knowledge and careers. 

Today, it continues to do so, with the extension of the Personal Development Wheel, which allows professionals to map out their learning and improve in the areas needed to boost their careers.

IQ Members can access the personal development wheel tool via the Member Portal.

Engagement, Influence & Impact

Being more aware of how to interact as a team member in a wider context helps you to become a more rounded professional.

Engagement, influence and impact considers how quarrying and mineral products professionals work within teams and the wider community and networks.

Knowledge & Innovation

Knowledge and innovation in the quarrying and mineral products industries is about implementing good practices and driving continual improvement in productivity, efficiency, health, and safety.

This benefits all staff as well as improving company performance.

Personal Effectiveness

Successful professionals within the quarrying and mineral products industries are aware of their own personal attributes and how to develop their skills in different areas. Learning how to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and being able to use them in the most effective way is an important part of growing personally and professionally.

Standards & Professionalism

Standards and professionalism is about understanding and working with regulations and standards. Standards and regulations provide the foundations for the quarrying and mineral products industry.

Additional resources

CPD Handbook

CPD Handbook

An essential tutorial handbook for obtaining CPD through a variety of resources from IQ and the wider industry.
IQ - Eshot IQ Connect App thumbnail

IQ Connect

An all-in-one app brought to you by IQ. IQ Connect gives members access to record CPD, attend upcoming events, and view resources.
www.quarrying.orghs-fshubfsEducationCPD SelectCPD Select Series

CPD Select

Whether you are looking to undertake learning yourself or looking for a programme to offer staff, the IQ CPD Select Series will have something for you.


An IQ Member guide to CPD

An overview video of CPD and examples of what counts and how to record it.