IQ Branch News

IQ Derbyshire appoints new Chair

Written by IQ News Update | May 2, 2024 2:18:13 PM

Chris Rowan FIQ has been elected as IQ Derbyshire’s new Chair following the branch’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) last month. Chris succeeds John McGough FIQ who has served in the position since 2022.

The election of Chris marks the end of John’s second term as Chair of the branch, who has been described by his fellow branch members as a consistent steadying force for IQ Derbyshire, especially throughout the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the AGM, the committee and the branch shared their gratitude for John’s hard work, positive nature and dedication to the branch during his tenure. 

John says: ‘Chris has been part of the branch for 10 years following his return from working abroad and has been instrumental in developing a succession plan for new Chairs. We now have two vice-chairs, Lewis Pinch and Sarah-Jane Owen, who will shadow Chris during his post in office and, in time, will succeed Chris.’ 

Newly elected Chair Chris Rowan adds: 
‘It is a great honour to take over from John who has been instrumental in my decision to take on the role for the next two years. For me, Derbyshire stands at the heart of the quarrying and mineral products industry, a place where I started my career over 45 years ago at Staveley Lime Industries in Dove Holes (now Cemex). I will now finish my time in the industry back in Derbyshire with the bonus of chairing our branch of the Institute of Quarrying.

Along with my role at the University of Derby leading the mineral products programmes at the Centre for Mineral Products, I see the Derbyshire Branch continuing and enhancing its opportunities for learning, development, continual professional development, and networking, particularly as we look to secure the future talent who will be charged with the responsibility of moving our industry forward. 

I have worked with the Derbyshire Branch committee for several years, and find their dedication an inspiration, they work tirelessly to produce the yearly programme of technical and social events that continue to provide CPD with a varied range of subjects and topics that we hope offer opportunities for members to engage with and learn from. As a committee we are dedicated to increasing attendance at all our events so would ask all members to share the programme with colleagues and support the branch with renewed vigour, we also value any suggestions members may have.

As my career, in an industry that I have loved with a passion, draws to its conclusion, we have thought about succession planning, and how we can support the Branch in the future. To that end, John and I would like to Introduce Sarah-Jane Owen and Lewis Pinch, who will act as Deputy Chairpersons with the sole purpose of taking on the Chair at the end of my tenure.

Finally, and on behalf of the committee, we would just like to thank all those who have supported the branch and the programme in the past and hope for continued support in the future. On a personal note, my sincere gratitude and thanks go to the committee, whose tireless efforts go towards the Derbyshire Branch's success.’