Aug 19, 2024 / by IQ News Update

Joint letter urges Secretary of State to address mining and minerals skills gap

Open letter - Blog Header ImageSix organisations representing thousands of individuals and businesses across the minerals value chain have sent a joint letter to the Secretary of State for Education calling for minerals and mining to be included in Skills England’s assessment of future skills needs.

The Institute of Quarrying (IQ), Mineral Products Qualification Council (MPQC), Critical Minerals Association (CMA (UK)), Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3), Mineral Products Association (MPA), and Mining Association of the UK (MAUK) have jointly penned a letter to the new Secretary of State highlighting the importance of a robust minerals and mining skills pipeline.

Congratulating The Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson MP on her new role as Secretary of State for Education, the six organisations emphasised the urgent need to address the growing skills gap to be able to meet the growing material demand of modern society and the transition to net-zero.

As resource extraction continues to play a vital role in meeting society’s demand, the letter emphasises the importance of extraction being done in a responsible way that considers environmental, carbon and social impacts.

This will only be possible if the UK can supply enough people, both to do the work and to ensure it is properly regulated. This means the UK needs people with the required skills, education and training, with access to pathways into the industry and awareness of the employment opportunities available.

The letter highlighted that the demand for talented individuals, equipped with the knowledge and skills to ensure materials and minerals are managed responsibly, is increasing. At the same time, there are significant and growing skills gaps along minerals value chains and a decline in education and training provision, as highlighted by the IOM3 report The Talent Gap: Critical Skills for Critical Materials. Together with the CMA (UK) Perception & Engagement Working Group report A Talent Pipeline and the CBI Minerals Group UK Minerals Strategy update, the need to support a robust skills pipeline to address current and future gaps and minimise the risks posed to the UK economy is clear.

The Prime Minister and Education Secretary have announced that the launch of Skills England aims to address and “bring together [the UK’s] fractured skills landscape”. The widening fracture between skills supply and skills demand for minerals and mining operations is a serious threat to the UK’s industrial ambitions, national security and net-zero targets. The letter urges that the above is considered in the assessment of future skills needs planned in the first phase of Skills England’s launch. The signatories look forward to supporting and informing this important agenda.

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